Friday 23 April 2010

The Logo Brief.

At the very start of the course we were given the task to design a company's logo, from the spring board of two words.
Mine were Sparkling and Trap. So i decided to settle on a wine company.

Sparkling Falls, i decided would be a mid to high range wine company, something that would impress.

The logo its self takes the from of wine being poured into a glass, but also as wine is often used to bring people together, the images of two faces can be seen if you look hard enough. It's not a perfect depiction but deadline looming and all that.

In addition we were also asked to design a ad-campaign that used copy only, i tried to come up with reasons for why you would choose Sparkling Falls as your choice of wine and situations when it would be used. I think it successfully speaks to the audience.

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