Friday 23 April 2010

Metaphorical Interpretation Through Type.

The following are posters i designed for the typography module for the first year.
We were asked to pick a subject that interested us and write a short 200 word article about it.
At the time the news was full of stories concerning China and Google. Ie the censorship battle.

These posters show my typographic interpretation of the article that i pieced together. The overall theme being censorship on the internet and the way that China controls the way information flows and can be accessed in the country.
The first poster uses the entire article, the second one word from the article, the third syllables and last but not least only letters.

The Logo Brief.

At the very start of the course we were given the task to design a company's logo, from the spring board of two words.
Mine were Sparkling and Trap. So i decided to settle on a wine company.

Sparkling Falls, i decided would be a mid to high range wine company, something that would impress.

The logo its self takes the from of wine being poured into a glass, but also as wine is often used to bring people together, the images of two faces can be seen if you look hard enough. It's not a perfect depiction but deadline looming and all that.

In addition we were also asked to design a ad-campaign that used copy only, i tried to come up with reasons for why you would choose Sparkling Falls as your choice of wine and situations when it would be used. I think it successfully speaks to the audience.